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Kindergarten through High School Graduation

Please contact us for an appointment.

1442 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117


(415) 724-7458

Our Program

Students receive instruction from a school librarian, an art specialist, a Foreign Language teacher, a computer teacher, and a physical education teacher. Music is available for students in all grades.

An Extended Day Program is provided from 7:00 - 6:00 p.m., as needed. Supervised activities, structured play and homework support are available to students.

boys reading

Students may participate in after school sports, as available. Our sports program currently includes volleyball, soccer, and basketball. This varies, so please ask about the sport of your choice.

Additional learning is enriched through field trips which provide students with first hand experience and knowledge of numerous Bay Area environmental and cultural resources.

Detailed Curriculum Information

Summer Program

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