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Kindergarten through High School Graduation

Please contact us for an appointment.

1442 Fulton Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94117


(415) 724-7458

About Us

The Discovery Center School is an independent, co-educational school for students in Kindergarten through Twelfth. The student population richly reflects the diversity represented in the Bay Area with regard to socio-economic, religious, and ethnic differences. DCS is accredited by the National Independent Schools Association.

DCS Girls

Our Mission

Since 1970, we strive to provide a success-oriented program within a diverse student population; a program which nurtures and challenges the intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth of each student while instilling the values of strong academic performance, self-discipline and a positive self-image.


The Discovery Center School is committed to the overall development of each student. To this end we provide strong academic instruction in the basic skills as well as a wide variety of cultural and aesthetic experiences within a success oriented program.

Because there are great differences among students of the same age, factors other than chronological age are considered in planning a program to meet the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs of individuals in the classroom.

We believe that students learn best in an environment in which individuality is treasured and nurtured, in which students are encouraged to respond to the needs of others, and in which adult-student interpersonal relationships are characterized by mutual respect, affection, and genuine concern for the welfare of others.

DCS graduates have found their way to and have graduated from such prestigious four year universities as MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Columbia, Wellesley, University of California, Berkeley, The University of Chicago, and many others.

Our Parents: The Parent Connection

The Parent Connection was founded in 1996 by parents and guardians of students attending The Discovery Center School who wanted to build community spirit and support the school.

The group organizes and sponsors many events throughout the year such as family picnic, holiday fair, and teacher appreciation lunches. Planning for these activities allows parents to get to know each other in a relaxed environment. The group also provides opportunities for parents to volunteer their support as room parents, on school beautification projects, and by helping with school-sponsored events like the Book Fair and Read-A-Thon. The group also participates in "flow through" fund raising programs like eScrip and SchoolPop. School staff members submit applications for grants from these funds for classroom projects and equipment.

Monthly Parent Connection meetings provide a forum for sharing ideas and experiences, offering support and camaraderie and opportunities for working with the administration to address issues of common concern. All parents and guardians are invited to join, and ideas and participation are always welcome.

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